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This article and utility mainly applies to users of the SHIMS and AutoSHIMS ERP system since these ERP systems use the concept of 'kill records' which are monitored by their other background processes (phantoms).  


Syntax 1: bpi.check.killitem {DICT} filename itemname command {-D -V}

Syntax 2: bpi.check.killitem {DICT} filename/itemname command {-D -V}


Keyword Explanation
{DICT} Is optional and specifies that the itemname can be found within the dictionary section of filename rather than the data section.

Specifies the file name in which the kill record will be found.

Note: you may also separate filename from itemname with a slash character.  This is helpful since some SHIMS apps do not allow you to specific the filename where the kill record can be found.  By prepending the itemname with a filename slash, you can direct the bpi.check.killitem utility to reach for a different filename for the kill record rather than the SHIMs hard coded location of CONTROL.

itemname Is the name of the kill item.
command Is the command to issue if the itemname existing in filename (example: "OFF"
-D If the itemname exists, delete it.
-V Verbose messaging